About Sarah

Sarah Murphy Solutions exists to help Christian women entrepreneurs reset, refocus, and recenter their life and business around Jesus Christ. This the leg of the Unashamed & Unhindered movement which focuses on helping set the business owner and her business up for success through 1:1 solutions of:
– goal setting
– mindset coaching and
– consulting focused on structure, systems, and processes.

Sarah has worked in the administrative field for over a decade within different organizations and industries. She started working in the online business world in the fall of 2020 after having her daughter and her desire to work from home began to grow. She transitioned from general VA services to Business Management services, specializing in Operations Management + System Strategy, as she learned the importance of having systems + processes in place.

As Sarah has continued to make steps to become the woman God created her to be and fulfill the calling + purpose God created her for, she has continued to inquire God for greater clarity on how she can best serve those around her. In January of 2023, God placed coaching on her heart again. And this time she listened and began taking action. Now she is focusing on digging deeper by helping her clients with their personal lives and their business!

The Purpose


To organize + systematize business processes to build a solid foundation, grow teams, and scale businesses in a sustainable way that brings freedom, passion, and focus back to what matters most.


To see Christian women in business unplugging from their work, enjoying the fruits of their labor with their families, and running after Jesus completely unhindered in a way that has never been possible before.


The Ultimate Goal

The goal of Sarah Murphy Solutions is to be a resource that points you back to the One Source, Jesus Christ. I am here to partner with you so that you can clear the clutter and gain clarity for what you are meant to be focusing your time, energy, and resources on in this specific season of life.

I believe it is imperative to stay in step with the Holy Spirit to make sure you are not taking on more than you are meant to because that leads to burnout and fruitlessness in every area of life.

I am passionate about the Biblical world view for marriages, families, and businesses. These things cannot thrive unless YOU are in a healthy place – spirit, soul, and body. Now more than ever being close to Jesus is needed, not only for our own personal lives but also for those we are meant to impact around us. It starts with us and within our own homes before it can spread to others.

My greater vision is to see women of God becoming unashamed of who God created them to be + become free from the lies of the enemy, the ways of the world, and fulfilling all that God created them to accomplish while here on Earth.